domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014

Michel Godard, a music master in Asturias (Spain).

Somehow, I came to music through jazz, through the admiration towards musicians like Charlie Parker, Louis Armstrong, Oscar Peterson, Duke Ellington, Chick Corea, Keith Jarrett, Miles Davis and a host of great artists who were marking my musical tastes by means of the recordings that were falling in my hands, artists that put their undeniable, and sometimes overwhelming, technical mastery of the instrument at the service of music.
The tuba was part of the jazz history from its beginnings, although initially its role was limited to the rhythmic and harmonic support of the accompanying soloists. During the second half of the twentieth century, the technical capabilities of the tuba players  evolved radically allowing it to be a soloist on different occasions. Bill Barber, Don Butterfield, Ray Draper, Dave Bargeron, Jon Sass, Bob Stewart, and, of course, Michel Godard are some of the artists who were responsible for strengthening the role of the tuba soloist in jazz.
Throughout his long career, Michel Godard has managed to square the circle: to evolve without losing its unique musical personality, to explore different aesthetics keeping intact and recognizable his voice . His extraordinary creativity and chameleonic adaptability have allowed him to collaborate with numerous artists in various projects that deserve our attention and admiration.
Michel Godard will be in Asturias (Spain) from 30 January to 2 February to give a Masterclass on tuba and serpent playing, in which he will share with us his profound musical knowledge. If you want to come, you have all the information about the course here.


En cierto modo, llegué a la música a través del jazz, de la admiración por músicos como Charlie Parker, Louis Armstrong, Oscar Peterson, Duke Ellington, Chick Corea, Keith Jarret, Miles Davis y un sinfín de grandes artistas que fueron marcando mis gustos musicales a través de las grabaciones que iban cayendo en mis manos, artistas que pusieron un innegable, y en algunos casos abrumador, dominio técnico del instrumento al servicio de la música.
La tuba formó parte de la historia del jazz desde sus inicios, si bien al principio su función se limitaba al sustento rítmico y armónico de los solistas a los que acompañaba. Durante la segunda mitad del S. XX, las capacidades técnicas de los tubistas evolucionaron radicalmente permitiéndole asumir el liderazgo en numerosas ocasiones. Bill Barber, Don Butterfield, Ray Drapper, Dave Bargeron, Jon Sass, Bob Stewart, y, como no, Michel Godard son algunos de los artistas que se encargaron de afianzar el papel solista de la tuba en el Jazz.
A lo largo de su dilatada carrera, Michel Godard ha conseguido la cuadratura del círculo: evolucionar sin perder un ápice de su extraordinaria personalidad musical, explorar diferentes estéticas manteniendo intacta y reconocible su propia voz. Su extraordinaria creatividad y su camaleónica capacidad de adaptación le han permitido colaborar con innumerables artistas en diversos proyectos que bien merecen nuestra atención y admiración.
Michel Godard estará en Asturias (España) desde el 30 de enero al 2 de febrero para impartir un curso de tuba y serpentón en el que compartirá con nosotros su profundo bagaje musical. Si os animáis tenéis toda la información del curso aquí.